تفاصيل الأوراق البحثية

The impact of low luminosity AGN on their host galaxies: A radio and optical investigation of the kpc-scale outflow in MaNGA 1−166919

خلاصة البحث

Large scale outflows from galaxies are typically associated with AGN or star formation activity however it’s still unclear how these outflows are generated and how the properties of the outflow are connected to their origins or their hosts. This requires measuring the spatially-resolved properties of the outflow and its host galaxy in multiple wavebands, in order to measure relevant parameters such as level of AGN galactic, rate and distribution of star formation, and geometry, content, and velocity of the outflow. To this end, we will present detailed analysis of the spatially-resolved radio and optical emission of MaNGA 1-166919. We also give an overview of parsec radio emission from a diversity of AGN.

سنة النشر
مجالات البحث
علوم الفضاء
Space Research Conference
نوع البحث
مساهمة مؤتمر
الأبحاث ذات الصلة