تفاصيل الأوراق البحثية

Al-Khatim Observatory: The First Robotic Observatory in UAE

خلاصة البحث

Al-Khatam Astronomical Observatory (AKO) is situated in the Abu Dhabi desert, United Arab Emirates, and operated by the International Astronomical Center (IAC). AKO is a robotic observatory that conducts pre-programmed astronomical observations. Using AKO as an example, the paper shows how a robotic observatory can be established with a low budget and minimal workforce. The paper outlines the various components required for setting up a robotic observatory. Furthermore, the paper shows some of the observatory’s notable observations and achievements, particularly in photometric and astrometric observations, such as collaborating with international organizations to monitor recently discovered asteroids, contributing to planetary defense efforts, which is part of space situational awareness (SSA) domain. The observatory places a strong emphasis on photometric observations of GRB optical counterparts, especially immediately following their discovery by space-based observatories. Additionally, it hosts a successful supernova search program, leading to the discovery of supernova SN 2023rve after nine months of continuous effort.

سنة النشر
مجالات البحث
الوعي بالاوضاع الفضائية
Space Research Conference
نوع البحث
مساهمة مؤتمر
الأبحاث ذات الصلة